Episode 115

Published on:

12th Mar 2025

The Power of Energy: Why You Should Embrace Your Spiritual Journey

Explore the transformative power of energy healing and self-discovery with Debbie Bellon, a seasoned Reiki master and Akashic Records guide.

Debbie emphasizes that true healing comes from within, where individuals learn to tap into their own energy and vibrational frequency to foster personal growth. She shares her journey from a small town in Ohio to a vibrant career in holistic healing, illustrating how curiosity and self-exploration can lead to profound change.

The conversation delves into the importance of finding one’s unique purpose and how each person contributes to the collective tapestry of life. Listeners will gain insights into the significance of self-care, the power of asking questions, and the realization that we all possess the tools necessary to navigate life's challenges.


  • Debbie Bellon emphasizes the importance of self-discovery through curiosity and personal exploration.
  • Energy healing is about empowering clients to tap into their own healing abilities.
  • Debbie shares how her grandmother's open-mindedness sparked her interest in holistic healing.
  • The Akashic Records serve as a blueprint of the soul, tracking every action and thought.
  • It's crucial to allow yourself to be vulnerable in order to truly heal and grow.
  • Experiencing doubt and questioning your path is normal and part of the journey.

You can connect with Debbie on her website at www.debbiebellon.com

Or on her social platforms

Fb: facebook.com/dbenergyalchemy

Instagram: @debbellon

Darrell Snow:

Welcome back to another edition of A Warrior Spirit, where the inner warrior shines in their light.

Darrell Snow:

Presented by Praxis33, the company that aligns your thoughts, goals and actions to create your best life.

Darrell Snow:

I'm your host, Darrell Snow, and today we're going to be talking with Debbie Bellin.

Darrell Snow:

Debbie is a Reiki master.

Darrell Snow:

She's an Akashic Records guide, a holistic transformation guide, and she uses Reiki, Akashic records and other energetic modalities to support people on a holistic trans transformational journey.

Darrell Snow:

So we want to grab your seats and hold on for a deep dive into the mystic.

Darrell Snow:

Debbie, thank you for joining us and welcome to the show.

Debbie Bellin:

Thank you so much.

Debbie Bellin:

I'm happy to be here.

Debbie Bellin:

Thanks for having me.

Darrell Snow:

I am thrilled to have an energy and a lightworker join me.

Darrell Snow:

It is something that is near and dear to my heart, having a wife who is also a healer and a Reiki master and an energy healer.

Darrell Snow:

I love talking about the mystic and how to demystify it for others because in my experience and maybe yours, a lot of what energy workers do, people don't often understand is actually also not woo.

Darrell Snow:

But actually, if they're, you know, so inclined, they can find it in the Bible, they can find it in nature, they can find it everywhere that they look.

Darrell Snow:

So how did you get from the growing up in Midwest Ohio, which isn't where you actually think of, when you think of let's go to the mystic, let's go to Ohio.

Darrell Snow:

How did you get from the youth of Ohio to where you are now?

Debbie Bellin:

That's a great question.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, I think for me it was, I grew up in a really, really small farm town.

Debbie Bellin:

So northwest Ohio, tiny, tiny town.

Debbie Bellin:

Our population was like 3,000 people.

Debbie Bellin:

It was really small, just surrounded by farmland.

Debbie Bellin:

And so there was a lot of really close minded people.

Debbie Bellin:

And I just, you know, really me and my best friend that I grew up with, still best friends, it was that, you know how you just like nobody around here thinks like we do kind of a thing.

Debbie Bellin:

And so it even piqued my curiosity even more of, well, don't people wonder about this kind of stuff?

Debbie Bellin:

I mean, aren't they interested in it?

Debbie Bellin:

You know, and that's really where it started, was just a curiosity and I wanted to learn more, I wanted to know more.

Darrell Snow:

How old were you when that started?

Darrell Snow:

Because I grew up in a town of 7,000.

Darrell Snow:

So I understand small town, mid America.

Darrell Snow:

You know, I grew up in Iowa.

Darrell Snow:

You know, we had corn for days and nothing to do.

Darrell Snow:

So but how did, Especially in small town.

Darrell Snow:

Close minded is a good descriptor of most small towns.

Darrell Snow:


Darrell Snow:

Everyone knows your business, everyone knows, you know, everything about you that they shouldn't.

Darrell Snow:

So they're not really open to the unknown.

Darrell Snow:

How did, how did young Debbie go and navigate that into your own curiosity?

Darrell Snow:

Like, where did, what sparked it for you?

Debbie Bellin:

I think it was my grandmother.

Debbie Bellin:

She was really open.

Debbie Bellin:

She, you know, like, I used to go to church with my grandmother, but I remember then it came a time where a new minister came to town and his, his way of being and doing was far different than the previous minister that we had.

Debbie Bellin:

And he was all about, you know, fire and brimstone.

Debbie Bellin:

I mean, he would yell and scream in church and stuff.

Debbie Bellin:

And it was a lot of his viewpoints that my grandmother didn't, she didn't believe in.

Debbie Bellin:

And so she decided, that's it, I'm done, I'm leaving the church.

Debbie Bellin:

And it really, I was like, oh, my gosh, wow, okay.

Debbie Bellin:

But I always knew that she was open minded.

Debbie Bellin:

I mean, she was very accepting of people.

Debbie Bellin:

It was just not, you know, she didn't speak it, but it was just her way of being.

Debbie Bellin:

And then when that happened, let's see, I was probably 15, I want to say, maybe, maybe not quite 15.

Debbie Bellin:

And then it just really made me start thinking about, wow, okay, this is, you know, know, I need to really start looking into this, deeper into what my beliefs are and standing up for my beliefs.

Debbie Bellin:

And yeah, it just really kind of opened things up even further for me there.

Debbie Bellin:

And it made me realize, because so many people are fearful, and then it's fear of, well, what will this person think?

Debbie Bellin:

Well, what will that person think?

Debbie Bellin:

And, you know, it's just, we can't live our lives in fear of what everybody's going to think.

Debbie Bellin:

It's no way to be.

Darrell Snow:

So, and then when you find.

Darrell Snow:

Because I consider myself a reformed Catholic, because my family on my mother's side was strict Catholicism, my dad's side was more evangelical.

Darrell Snow:

So I went to mass on Saturday and church on Sunday.

Darrell Snow:

And there comes a point where we have to decide, is this what I truly believe or is this what my parents have taught me to believe?

Darrell Snow:

And sometimes they're in alignment, and oftentimes they are, but sometimes they're not.

Darrell Snow:

And to have the courage to step out against that.

Darrell Snow:

And then when you find that one friend or that one person who, you know, thinks similarly and you're like, oh, it's like water.

Darrell Snow:

You know, you're like, oh, I'm not alone.

Darrell Snow:

Thank You.

Darrell Snow:

I can.

Darrell Snow:

I can drink now, right?

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

And it's not that my grandmother told me that I had to do the same.

Debbie Bellin:

It was just me observing her and then getting curious and asking her, you know, what's going on?

Debbie Bellin:

What is this?

Debbie Bellin:

And she really just had open conversations with me about what her beliefs were.

Debbie Bellin:

She didn't try to push them on me, and about how if the minister was preaching this and she didn't believe in it, why would she go and sit there and, you know, perpetuate this and support these beliefs?

Debbie Bellin:

And I just thought, wow, that's it.

Debbie Bellin:

Just to me, it took so much courage for her to do that, but to her it was just, no, this is just who I am and this is what I'm doing.

Darrell Snow:

So, yeah, when you were.

Darrell Snow:

When you were growing up in that small town and then you started to develop these different viewpoints, teenage years are often difficult anyway for, you know, for children, and then to not have the same thoughts and values as those around us in order to express those.

Darrell Snow:

Those kind of can.

Darrell Snow:

Can make things even harder.

Darrell Snow:

Did you find it was easier because you were standing in your authenticity or difficult because you were going against the grain?

Debbie Bellin:

It was really difficult because, I mean, I had the same fears, right?

Debbie Bellin:

I was like, oh, my gosh, you know, what are people going to think?

Debbie Bellin:

But luckily, my best friend, who actually, she grew up Catholic, her and I were just on the same wavelength.

Debbie Bellin:

So we had each other to talk about this and to say, know, what is this?

Debbie Bellin:

And so a really, a very funny memory, but a memory that we have of being really, really young is we were in the car.

Debbie Bellin:

Her and I were sitting in the backseat.

Debbie Bellin:

Her mom was driving the car.

Debbie Bellin:

She was driving us somewhere.

Debbie Bellin:

I can't.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't know where, but her and I.

Debbie Bellin:

Her name is Laura.

Debbie Bellin:

And Laura and I are talking and we're saying, oh, my gosh.

Debbie Bellin:

And we're talking about this.

Debbie Bellin:

We're saying, what is wrong with them?

Debbie Bellin:

Like, why can't they see that?

Debbie Bellin:

And her mother from the front seat said, did you ever think that maybe it's just you two and that it's not everybody else?

Debbie Bellin:

And we just looked at each other like, what is she even talking about?

Debbie Bellin:

So it's really funny because at the time, it was, you know, being so young, not being able to see another person's perspective, but not understanding why they couldn't open up or see something.

Debbie Bellin:

And really, the truth is, is that they just couldn't.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, it's like, I mean, I've come to realize Through a lot of work that we all have our own vibrational frequency.

Debbie Bellin:

And when we're a different frequency, especially a very different frequency than somebody else, that it's like speaking a foreign language to them.

Debbie Bellin:

They literally cannot understand us.

Debbie Bellin:

And so it's just really interesting thinking back on some of those points.

Debbie Bellin:

And it's not so much to the fact that I thought, oh my gosh, these people are such weirdos.

Debbie Bellin:

What is wrong with them?

Debbie Bellin:

There's something wrong with them.

Debbie Bellin:

It was so much as that, how can I see this and they don't.

Debbie Bellin:

When a lot of them are older than me and just had more life experience and I thought, how can they not see this?

Debbie Bellin:

But again, I just realized, you know, as time goes on that we're all different, we all have different experiences, we all vibrate differently.

Debbie Bellin:

And what that point of attraction is, is different for all of us.

Debbie Bellin:

And that really kind of decides.

Debbie Bellin:

It determines what our vibration is going to be, whether we're going to be at a higher vibration or a lower vibration.

Debbie Bellin:

So it's really interesting.

Darrell Snow:

It's extremely interesting, especially when you start talking about vibration, because most people don't understand that.

Darrell Snow:

And everything is energy, everything does vibrate at a, at a frequency.

Darrell Snow:

And what you vibrate, you attract, you know, so when you start talking that kind of language and things, it does often set you apart.

Darrell Snow:

So when you got done with high school and did you move on to college?

Darrell Snow:

Did you move away right away?

Darrell Snow:

What, what happened as you entered the, the latter teen years into young adulthood?

Debbie Bellin:

I went to college to a four year college, Bowling Green State University, right there by my hometown.

Debbie Bellin:

And then I was on summer break and I went to visit my sister in Las Vegas and I went out there and I decided I was going to stay.

Debbie Bellin:

I didn't want to go back because, you know, here I am in this huge city where I'd never been in the comfort with my sister.

Debbie Bellin:

She's three years older than me.

Debbie Bellin:

And it was just.

Debbie Bellin:

I just couldn't see myself going back and trying to fit back into that life when I didn't fit into that life or I felt like I didn't fit into that life to begin with.

Debbie Bellin:

So, yeah, I stayed in Las Vegas and I met my husband there.

Debbie Bellin:

It's just been.

Debbie Bellin:

But it really opened me up.

Debbie Bellin:

I had a lot of experiences there and it was really important, I think, because there was, it's such a melting pot for people, whereas where I lived it was.

Debbie Bellin:

Everybody was pretty much the same.

Debbie Bellin:

So out there really got me just really more involved with different thought patterns, the way different people think.

Debbie Bellin:

Think, you know, and just different people's experiences and what that looked like for them, talking to them, learning about people.

Debbie Bellin:

I love learning about people.

Debbie Bellin:

I love hearing people's stories.

Debbie Bellin:

I love hearing about how did you get to where you are?

Debbie Bellin:

Like, what, what happened?

Debbie Bellin:

You know, it's just, it's so interesting.

Debbie Bellin:

And nothing is linear.

Debbie Bellin:

It's always, you know, here, there and everywhere else.

Debbie Bellin:

And I think that makes it more interesting.

Darrell Snow:

Yeah, we.

Darrell Snow:

It's funny because I used to just literally throw a dart at a map and then move every couple years, wherever it landed, I would.

Darrell Snow:

And my sister, you know, who stayed in our little town for a long time, you know, she's like, aren't you afraid?

Darrell Snow:

Like, you know, you're moving all the time.

Darrell Snow:

Like people are people.

Darrell Snow:

You treat them nice, they treat you nice.

Darrell Snow:

You're a jackass.

Darrell Snow:

They're going to be a jackass.

Darrell Snow:

So it's really, you know, but you do find out really quickly that there are stories in everybody.

Darrell Snow:

They have their own path and their own journey.

Darrell Snow:

They have their own hardships and their own struggles, and they're just trying to get by with what they have.

Darrell Snow:

And not all the tools in the toolbox are the same.

Darrell Snow:

So not all the reactions are the same.

Darrell Snow:

So as you stepped into your adult life, when did you, what was your first job coming out of college?

Debbie Bellin:

My first job was a cocktail waitress in a casino.

Debbie Bellin:

That was my first job.

Darrell Snow:

That leads right into holistic healing.

Debbie Bellin:

Yes, it does.

Darrell Snow:

There's a lot of sorrow to heal.

Darrell Snow:

What was the transformational point or the pivot point when you said, okay, I have all these interests and beliefs and I understand vibration and energy.

Darrell Snow:

I want to now help others in that.

Darrell Snow:

When did you start making your interest your career?

Debbie Bellin:

Well, I learned transcendental meditation and so that also really opened me up.

Debbie Bellin:

I learned that early on.

Debbie Bellin:

And then I wanted to get into massage therapy.

Debbie Bellin:

I had, I really had wanted to do that for a while.

Debbie Bellin:

So I, I worked a little bit longer and then at the time, massage therapy school, it was like you couldn't go to a four year college or something like that.

Debbie Bellin:

You couldn't get, you know, funding for it, so you just had to pay out of pocket.

Debbie Bellin:

And so I saved up to do that.

Debbie Bellin:

I went, I absolutely loved it so much.

Debbie Bellin:

And then I started working in a health facility, in a gym.

Debbie Bellin:

And it just.

Debbie Bellin:

In massage school, we learned so many different modalities.

Debbie Bellin:

So we learned, it just touched on, I should say, say we touched on Reiki.

Debbie Bellin:

We touched on Kinesiology and all these other things.

Debbie Bellin:

Acupressure, acupuncture, or not acupuncture, acupressure.

Debbie Bellin:

And so that opened me up even further.

Debbie Bellin:

And then I started doing massage.

Debbie Bellin:

I just, I, I loved it so much.

Debbie Bellin:

I love being able to help people.

Debbie Bellin:

I love the more holistic approach of everything being, you know, able to expose people to that who had no exposure to it.

Debbie Bellin:

And then just also in linking arms with people who were in it, who had been doing it and learning from them and opening myself up even further just to the human spirit really, to, you know, listening to people's stories and finding different ways of helping them.

Debbie Bellin:

So, and then I got pregnant.

Debbie Bellin:

We, it's a long history there with trying to have kids.

Debbie Bellin:

We were told we would never have children, it wasn't going to happen.

Debbie Bellin:

And then, so I got pregnant after a few miscarriages and just thought, okay, here we go again.

Debbie Bellin:

But then, lo and behold, I had a baby, had a baby girl.

Debbie Bellin:

And so that changed everything for me.

Debbie Bellin:

And I just wanted to be a stay home mom.

Debbie Bellin:

I just wanted to just dive right into it.

Debbie Bellin:

And I did.

Debbie Bellin:

And then a few years later, I had my son.

Debbie Bellin:

I loved being a stay at home mom.

Debbie Bellin:

And then, you know, my kids got older and I started thinking, what am I going to do?

Debbie Bellin:

I've been having Reiki sessions from this woman who I just absolutely adored, became a good friend of mine and we moved to Florida and I kept up with the distance Reiki.

Debbie Bellin:

And then unfortunately she passed away.

Debbie Bellin:

And I just thought, okay, I'm done.

Debbie Bellin:

I, I, you know, having somebody work with my energy, aside from me working with my own energy is really a personal thing.

Debbie Bellin:

And I just thought, you know, this woman, Catherine, she was so great.

Debbie Bellin:

I mean, I just, I don't want anybody else doing this.

Debbie Bellin:

I just, I can't, I just don't trust anybody, you know, so, And a lot of it was also just in her loss, you know, in the loss of her attaching that modality to her.

Debbie Bellin:

I was going to learn from her and you know, I wasn't able to.

Debbie Bellin:

So I decided, I'm done with it.

Debbie Bellin:

And then don't know what happened about, it was a couple years later, I just one day said, you know what, it's time, it's time for me to do Reiki.

Debbie Bellin:

And so I found someone who I just absolutely love her.

Debbie Bellin:

And so I took my one and two and my master's from her and.

Darrell Snow:

And never look back, I'm smiling really big because I've lived here in Phoenix three Times I've moved here, moved away, moved here, moved away.

Darrell Snow:

And in Phoenix, there's a school, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and Casey Miller started this school 25 years ago, teaching the holistic, you know, modalities and teaching all that.

Darrell Snow:

And it's funny to me, because massage therapy seems to be the gateway drug into all the other.

Darrell Snow:

All the other modalities.

Darrell Snow:

Like, if you speak to Reiki masters and, you know, many of them have started in, like, massage therapy, you know, so I'm just amused by that.

Darrell Snow:

But to find your passion and to find your calling, especially when you find it in a school like Sweeha or where you went to school.

Darrell Snow:

I watched my wife when she started her holistic journey, you know, and it's just like this lotus flower that just blossoms out of the mud where they were into the brightness that they're supposed to be.

Darrell Snow:

And, you know, it's such a beautiful thing to watch, and it's such a gift to give others.

Darrell Snow:

And what's cool to me from an outsider in not having, you know, done what you guys do when you help somebody in a holistic way, and they see the transformation in their own life that happens from it.

Darrell Snow:

Because energy healing, it's not like you're fixing a broken bone where you can see the bandage and the surgery and all that.

Darrell Snow:

It's an internal energy that changes.

Darrell Snow:

And to see non believers, you know, relent to, okay, I'll give it a try.

Darrell Snow:

To then seeing the healing that comes from it.

Darrell Snow:

I just love when they light up.

Darrell Snow:

And then what I love even more is watching them tell others about, you know, oh, you got to go to Debbie or you got to go to Elsa.

Darrell Snow:

You gotta, you know, this person is amazing.

Darrell Snow:

When in fact, the healer themselves understand that they're not the one who's doing the healing.

Darrell Snow:

It's the person that.

Darrell Snow:

That they're treating.

Darrell Snow:

So they, you know, they.

Darrell Snow:

They are opening up another person's energy to heal themselves.

Darrell Snow:

Do you find that to be so true in your own practice?

Debbie Bellin:

I do.

Debbie Bellin:

I love that description that you said, because it really is true.

Debbie Bellin:

It is such an unfolding because we experience so much of our.

Debbie Bellin:

Our depth.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

That we can't help but then just blossom into that.

Debbie Bellin:

And, yes, it's true.

Debbie Bellin:

Now, some Reiki practitioners will call themselves healers, and I understand because after a while, because people are like, oh, she's a healer.

Debbie Bellin:

She's a healer.

Debbie Bellin:

He's a healer, he's a healer.

Debbie Bellin:

But really, we're not doing the healing.

Debbie Bellin:

Just like you said, it is opening up the person, it's allowing.

Debbie Bellin:

They're allowing this energy to come in, and then their own body is doing all of the work.

Debbie Bellin:

They're doing all of the healing themselves.

Debbie Bellin:

And a lot of healing is like that when we.

Debbie Bellin:

When we stop and think about it.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

And it's just.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't know, I find it so incredibly fascinating.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

And then it almost takes the same effect on them when they take it to heart, and then they start to blossom and it happens to them, too.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

Yeah, I just.

Debbie Bellin:

I love it.

Debbie Bellin:

I love it so much.

Debbie Bellin:

And the thing with massage, originally, it was because people don't get enough human touch.

Debbie Bellin:

And I just thought people need touch.

Debbie Bellin:

People don't even know they need touch.

Debbie Bellin:

But then as soon as you put your hands on someone and you feel them relax under you, it's like, okay.

Debbie Bellin:

You just know that this person hasn't had this in a while.

Debbie Bellin:

And it's just.

Debbie Bellin:

It's so nice.

Debbie Bellin:

It's nice to be able to offer that to someone.

Darrell Snow:


Darrell Snow:

And Eastern medicine's had it right for a long time.

Darrell Snow:

Western, especially Americanized medicine, has had it wrong for a long time.

Darrell Snow:

I mean, you go back to, you know, the ancient days of acupuncture or reflexology and pain points on the.

Darrell Snow:

You know, there's points on your feet that are connected to your.

Darrell Snow:

Every part of your body.

Darrell Snow:

There's parts of your hands that are connected to every part of your body.

Darrell Snow:

And it's all because it's energetically connected.

Darrell Snow:

And you just got to have the right pressure, the right point, the right touch to, you know, affect those other areas.

Darrell Snow:

And a lot of our healing in especially the United States is wanted to be done in a pill bottle when a lot of it could be done verbally or through energetic healing.

Darrell Snow:

And it's.

Darrell Snow:

It's an awareness that I think more people are starting to come into.

Darrell Snow:

I love the fact that energy workers no longer have to hide in the shadows.

Darrell Snow:

They can stand in their truth.

Darrell Snow:

And, you know, Sedona, Arizona, is a huge vortex of energy healing.

Darrell Snow:

People from all over the world come to Sedona to find this place and to bring it forth, I think is pretty amazing.

Darrell Snow:

One thing that you do that is unique to the people that I know, because I only know a handful of people who do it.

Darrell Snow:

I know a lot of people who do the energy work, but I don't know a lot of people who do the Akashic records part.

Darrell Snow:

And it always fascinates me because my wife and I have had Akashic records readings and so it's kind of an interesting session.

Darrell Snow:

But how did you specifically get into the akashic?

Darrell Snow:

And can you explain that to those who are listening, what that actually is?

Debbie Bellin:

Yeah, absolutely.

Debbie Bellin:

I'll be happy to you to do that.

Debbie Bellin:

I wanted to go back to something that you said before about, you know, with the healing and everything.

Debbie Bellin:

And the interesting thing that I find is that almost, well, virtually all of my clients now are distance Reiki and or of my Reiki clients are distance.

Debbie Bellin:

Even the people that I had here in town just prefer them to stay in their own place.

Debbie Bellin:

And the interesting thing about that is that you don't even have to touch a person in order for them to feel it.

Debbie Bellin:

It's, you know, we have to have faith and belie the energy work works, right?

Debbie Bellin:

Just like, you know, you pick up your cell phone and we know that it connects to something over there.

Debbie Bellin:

And I can make a call, I can text somebody.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't exactly know how it works, but I know that it's working.

Debbie Bellin:

Reiki akashic records, it's the same thing, but because it's so foreign and I mean, like, when I first started, people thought I was doing voodoo, literally.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

I mean, I've had relatives unfriend me on social media.

Debbie Bellin:

It's just been crazy, crazy.

Debbie Bellin:

But with the AIC records, it's an even harder concept for people to grasp.

Debbie Bellin:

And so the akashic records are an energy field, okay?

Debbie Bellin:

So it's just a field of energy.

Debbie Bellin:

There's no right or wrong in it.

Debbie Bellin:

There's no good or bad.

Debbie Bellin:

There is absolutely no judgment.

Debbie Bellin:

It is basically a footprint, a blueprint of our soul, of everything.

Debbie Bellin:

Every thought, word, deed, action that we have had, that we have done, and it keeps track of it.

Debbie Bellin:

So when we go into an akashic records.

Debbie Bellin:

So, for example, when somebody comes to me for an akashic records reading, they have to give me permission to access their records.

Debbie Bellin:

I cannot access anyone's records without their permission.

Debbie Bellin:

And even given permission, I can only access the records to find out the answers to the questions that they're asking me.

Debbie Bellin:

So I can't go in and see, oh, what did she do yesterday?

Debbie Bellin:

What are her thoughts on this?

Debbie Bellin:

It's not.

Debbie Bellin:

It doesn't work like that.

Debbie Bellin:

There's no capability.

Debbie Bellin:

So somebody will come to me and they'll ask me a question.

Debbie Bellin:

And so then we access the records, we access this field of information, and the information then comes through.

Debbie Bellin:

So for me, it usually comes through as more of an impression.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't get words.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't hear it, it's an impression or a feeling.

Debbie Bellin:

And then I take that information and then I kind of put it into words and then I talk to the client about it and we see, okay, is this resonating with you?

Debbie Bellin:

And you can ask follow up questions.

Debbie Bellin:

It's not like I asked a question in the records.

Debbie Bellin:

This is the answer I got back.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't understand it and I just have to accept it as is.

Debbie Bellin:

No, you don't.

Debbie Bellin:

You work with the energy.

Debbie Bellin:

Ask a clarifying question.

Debbie Bellin:

Now I will say that some of the questions that you ask you might not get an answer to only because it's always working for our highest good.

Debbie Bellin:

So if it's not for our highest good to have this information right now at this point for whatever reason, then we won't get it.

Debbie Bellin:

And I mean the reason could be as simple, as simple as.

Debbie Bellin:

Well, if we give, if I gave Debbie this information now, she might become so preoccupied with it, she's not going to do these other things that are for her highest good first before she gets to that point.

Debbie Bellin:

So that's kind of how it works.

Debbie Bellin:

And you know, I help people formulate their questions.

Debbie Bellin:

You can literally ask anything you want in the records.

Debbie Bellin:

Again, you might not get all of the answers, but you will start to get stuff back.

Debbie Bellin:

And then we just work with that information and we go from there.

Debbie Bellin:

It's really interesting.

Darrell Snow:

It's fascinating to me.

Darrell Snow:

But it's also when people pray, they're praying to whatever they believe their God to be.

Darrell Snow:

But when they pray, many people that I've come across tend to think that the answer is always going to be yes.

Darrell Snow:

And it's not.

Darrell Snow:

Sometimes the answer is going to be no.

Darrell Snow:

Sometimes the answer is going to be not now.

Darrell Snow:

And sometimes the answer is going to be yes.

Darrell Snow:

But if you're only expecting a yes, then it's not for your highest good.

Darrell Snow:

Because sometimes what we want and what is good for us aren't always the same thing.

Darrell Snow:

I mean, I want a box of cookies, but they're not good for my waistline.

Darrell Snow:

Right, right.

Darrell Snow:

You have to.

Darrell Snow:

And it was told to me a long time ago and I believe this to be so true.

Darrell Snow:

When we pray or meditate, you know, whatever we're deeming our prayer, it's us speaking to God.

Darrell Snow:

But when we meditate or pause or be quiet, that's us listening for the answer.

Darrell Snow:

And so many people are too busy chattering that they can't hear the answer.

Darrell Snow:

But when you go within to the Akashic records or the energy healing, you're forcing yourself to be quiet to hear the answer.

Darrell Snow:

And you know, especially growing up Catholic, you were taught to be afraid of God.

Darrell Snow:

You weren't taught to have a relationship with God.

Darrell Snow:

And part of Praxis 33, part of my business pillar is co create because we co create the life we want by communicating and having that relationship with the entity that we choose to believe in.

Darrell Snow:

And if you're always just talking, then it's a dialogue, not a monologue.

Darrell Snow:

If you're always talking, then it's just a monologue, not a dialogue, Right?

Darrell Snow:

So you have to have a dialogue with your higher self, with what's best for you, and you have to be willing to understand that the entire answer might not be presented to you in the way it's going to shape out.

Darrell Snow:

You might hear, and I give the example of this podcast.

Darrell Snow:

I heard that I was supposed to do this podcast.

Darrell Snow:

I heard it at a time when I didn't own a camera or a microphone.

Darrell Snow:

So of course I was open and willing to do that.

Darrell Snow:

No, I had to be faithful that there was a reason for me hearing that.

Darrell Snow:

And then once I picked up the camera and the microphone, the things that I was led to be doing came to fruition.

Darrell Snow:

So it's interesting that, you know, people, you said something before about the phone, and it's just like these streaming services that are out there, right?

Darrell Snow:

You're so willing to believe that you can just push a button and then through the airwaves, whatever program you want, not connected to any wire or cable, is suddenly going to materialize in front of you.

Darrell Snow:

Well, that's energy.

Darrell Snow:

That's how the body works.

Darrell Snow:

That's how life works.

Darrell Snow:

That's how everything we do works.

Darrell Snow:

It's energy.

Darrell Snow:

But you can believe in WI fi, but you can't believe in your own intuitive energy.

Darrell Snow:

Oh, my WI fi is out.

Darrell Snow:

My cell service is out.

Darrell Snow:

Well, so is your connection with your higher self because you're chattering too much.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

That's a great example, Darrell.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

And so to take that a little bit further, sometimes people will have either accidents or they'll get sick, and then they're just out.

Debbie Bellin:

And they are like, oh, my gosh, this is at the worst time possible.

Debbie Bellin:

I can't afford to take a break.

Debbie Bellin:

Well, that's why this happened, because you're forced to take that break.

Debbie Bellin:

You're forced to just take a rest.

Debbie Bellin:

It's important.

Debbie Bellin:

And you're right, if we're always chattering, we can't hear what's coming in.

Debbie Bellin:

And also something else that you said about how you were.

Debbie Bellin:

This was put upon you, right?

Debbie Bellin:

This was that you were to do this.

Debbie Bellin:

And you thought, what the heck?

Debbie Bellin:

No, but what did you do?

Debbie Bellin:

You listened, you took the steps and then it opened up.

Debbie Bellin:

And so sometimes I think it's almost.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't want to say that it's a test for us, but it's almost a little breadcrumb to say, okay, I'm putting this out here.

Debbie Bellin:

Let's just see if you take this.

Debbie Bellin:

If you take it, great.

Debbie Bellin:

So much is going to open up for you.

Debbie Bellin:

If you don't, I'm going to have to give you another bread.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, going to have to keep just repeating this, repeating this.

Debbie Bellin:

And that's one of the biggest questions people come to me with the Akashic records is why do I keep repeating this pattern?

Debbie Bellin:

Because you didn't learn what you needed to the first time.

Debbie Bellin:

I mean, myself included, you know, I do this work because I need this work.

Debbie Bellin:

And so it's really important for us to just get quiet and just listen.

Debbie Bellin:

And you're right.

Debbie Bellin:

We might not always like the answer, but it is always, always, always, always for our highest good.

Debbie Bellin:

It really and truly is.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, there's things that I'm sure has happened that people can look back and go, oh, my gosh, at the time, I thought that was the absolute worst thing that could happen to me.

Debbie Bellin:

But, oh, wow, look how that turned around.

Darrell Snow:

Yeah, yeah.

Darrell Snow:

You can't enjoy a buffet if you don't even enjoy the sandwich.

Darrell Snow:

So, you know, and I, and I say this a lot, you know, when we're in the middle of our shit, we're not sitting there going, oh, thank God for all this crap.

Darrell Snow:

We're, you know, going, oh, help try to get me out.

Darrell Snow:

But when you look back at your life, you can see the hand of God or you can see spirit or the universe.

Darrell Snow:

You can see it's weaving the thread throughout your life and how the crap you went through built you into being able to handle the stuff you're going through now.

Darrell Snow:


Darrell Snow:

Or how you're helping others because of what you went through.

Darrell Snow:

You know, without that lesson, you went to being able to be a benefit to or have the impact to others.

Darrell Snow:

So, you know, and in the case of this show, I fought it for six months.

Darrell Snow:

But here's the funny thing.

Darrell Snow:

When it's meant for you, the voice gets louder, the 2 by 4 gets bigger, and eventually you have to relentless.

Darrell Snow:

So you either do it with faith when you first hear it, or you do it with obedience.

Darrell Snow:

After it gets loud enough and ways it's what's meant for you.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

And it's okay to question.

Debbie Bellin:

You can question it and work with it and say, I'm so confused about this.

Debbie Bellin:

I'm supposed to do this.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

How am I even supposed to do that?

Darrell Snow:

So, yeah, you have.

Darrell Snow:

You have a book over From Overwhelmed to Empowered Resilience Guide, which is kind of hand in hand with what we're currently talking about.

Darrell Snow:

Can you explain the book a little bit and then also the program that you're currently offering?

Debbie Bellin:

Yeah, I would love to.

Debbie Bellin:

So, you know, it's just through my practice, through working with people, so many people are just so overwhelmed.

Debbie Bellin:

And so I created this.

Debbie Bellin:

It's more of a guide.

Debbie Bellin:

But, you know, it's.

Debbie Bellin:

Overwhelm tends to progress with people.

Debbie Bellin:

If we don't take care of it, it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse.

Debbie Bellin:

And I think that people don't realize you have all of the tools that you need right inside of you to handle this.

Debbie Bellin:

And so much of it is our thoughts are taking over.

Debbie Bellin:

So what this is, it's just a little guide and it gives people tools.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, it talks about what is overwhelm.

Debbie Bellin:

And you can determine for yourself what overwhelm is because it looks different for everybody, Right.

Debbie Bellin:

What overwhelms one person doesn't overwhelm another.

Debbie Bellin:

So it's a really personal thing.

Debbie Bellin:

So take a look at it and just, you know, internalize this, sit down with it, look through the questions and really do the work that's in it, because you'll find out different stuff about yourself and then practice the tools in it.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, we can't.

Debbie Bellin:

We don't know if something works for us unless we try.

Debbie Bellin:

And so just try it and see how this works.

Debbie Bellin:

The important thing is, is that none of this, whether it's massage, reiki, akashic, records, whatever, none of it is a one and done.

Debbie Bellin:

We have to stick with these things.

Debbie Bellin:

We want to, you know, we want our.

Debbie Bellin:

We want to improve ourselves.

Debbie Bellin:

We want to be better for ourselves and for our loved ones.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

So it's just a way for us to take these tools, practice with them, and see what they do for us.

Debbie Bellin:

And again, you got to stick with it in order to see how is this helping me?

Debbie Bellin:

Is it helping me?

Debbie Bellin:

How can I work with this differently?

Debbie Bellin:

What do I need to do differently?

Debbie Bellin:

And one really great question that you can ask at any time in your life when you are presented with something is, what is this showing me?

Debbie Bellin:

What is this trying to tell me, what is this trying.

Debbie Bellin:

What do I need to see here?

Debbie Bellin:

Just get curious.

Debbie Bellin:

Use your curiosity and get curious.

Debbie Bellin:

And then this is also kind of a very condensed part of a 90 day program that I have.

Debbie Bellin:

And the 90 day program is six elements of an empowered soul.

Debbie Bellin:

The gosh, really the inspiration for my program is my mom.

Debbie Bellin:

So my mom passed away at 63.

Debbie Bellin:

She had a heart attack at 57, and then she ultimately passed at 63.

Debbie Bellin:

And I can say with such confidence that if I had my mom and I could bring my mom into my 90 day program, it wouldn't have happened.

Debbie Bellin:

Because, you know, we go through self.

Debbie Bellin:

Love is the first one.

Debbie Bellin:

Then we go through boundaries, connection, meaning and purpose, emotional intelligence, and then forgiveness.

Debbie Bellin:

And if you have those things, if you have tools for each of those things, then you could pretty much get through anything.

Debbie Bellin:

Now, again, everybody is different.

Debbie Bellin:

So you may have to use your tools more than other people.

Debbie Bellin:

You may have to just practice a little bit more.

Debbie Bellin:

But it gets you to the point where you realize, I have everything in me that I need.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't have to look outside of myself for the answers.

Debbie Bellin:

I don't have to look for outside validation.

Debbie Bellin:

If I'm doing okay, I can just go within and feel and be like, oh, okay, I'm not having a good day.

Debbie Bellin:

I need to set aside time for myself.

Debbie Bellin:

Or, you know, I'm having a great day.

Debbie Bellin:

I need.

Debbie Bellin:

I want to share this feeling.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

And then it just kind of goes from there.

Debbie Bellin:

It's all on my website.

Debbie Bellin:

The 90 day program is on there as well.

Debbie Bellin:

And then I.

Debbie Bellin:

I just finished my first level of qhht, which is the Dolores Cannon program of quantum healing hypnosis technique.

Debbie Bellin:

And that is just blowing my mind.

Debbie Bellin:

So that'll be my next exciting thing.

Darrell Snow:

I've done some QHHT sessions and they are fascinating and amazing.

Darrell Snow:

And I've found things about my own life looking back where again, I can see that tapestry of woven fabric of things from.

Darrell Snow:

From my past or past lives into my future self that just align and play out.

Darrell Snow:

And it's really fascinating.

Darrell Snow:

If anyone gets a chance to have a session, be prepared for an experience that is pretty mind blowing, but you have to be open to, you know, the unknown in order to really benefit from it.

Darrell Snow:

But it is a great.

Darrell Snow:

It is a great modality.

Darrell Snow:

And I highly recommend anyone open to it to, you know, give it a try because, you know, you might find out something new about yourself that changes the rest of your life and how you move forward.

Darrell Snow:

So definitely do that.

Darrell Snow:

If you were to say, you know, you've been doing holistic training and holistic healing for quite a while now.

Darrell Snow:

I think in your bio you said like 31 years, which means that you started right out of high school.

Darrell Snow:

But if you, if you were to look back and to look with all the people that you've encountered, do you see a common thread throughout?

Debbie Bellin:

Yeah, there is a common thread throughout, Yeah.

Debbie Bellin:

I think that people just, I think that one thing is that people are so tired of seeking the answers outside of themselves and being told, this is what you need to do, be, think, have.

Debbie Bellin:

And they have started this.

Debbie Bellin:

Yeah, I mean, we're all on an ascension journey, our planet, everything.

Debbie Bellin:

And especially in today's times, I mean, it's really accelerating.

Debbie Bellin:

And I think people are just starting to question and you know, I, I raised my kids question, everything, question, question, question, even question me, because that's how you find out about yourself.

Debbie Bellin:

That's how you find out what you like.

Debbie Bellin:

What you don't like is through questioning this, find out what you believe in, what you don't believe in, what you might want to be more interested in, what you might want to discover.

Debbie Bellin:

And so I think that that's happening a lot.

Debbie Bellin:

And people are just questioning and they're wanting to be able to go to within themselves, but they don't know how, they don't know where to start.

Debbie Bellin:

They just, they don't know how to start.

Debbie Bellin:

And so, you know, sometimes I'll get people, they'll just ask me a question or two and then that'll be it.

Debbie Bellin:

And then I'll hear from them, you know, maybe a month or two later and then they're ready to book an appointment.

Debbie Bellin:

And so all first time appointments are just a one appointment.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, I have bundles, but I don't, I don't put anybody in a package right away because you don't know anything about.

Debbie Bellin:

Well, I mean, you may or may not know anything about me, but working on that kind of a level with somebody is really personal.

Debbie Bellin:

And so you need to just kind of test the waters and see, you know, because once you work with me, you might be like, okay, Debbie's just not for me, or okay, I trust her, she's for me.

Debbie Bellin:

I'm ready to go into this further.

Debbie Bellin:

I would encourage anybody, just start opening yourself up just a little bit, start questioning, start, you know, thinking more about, in terms of yourself.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, we were growing up, I was taught, you know, you cannot think about yourself.

Debbie Bellin:

It's selfish.

Debbie Bellin:

You think about, you do for other people.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, I'm 60 years old, Darrell.

Debbie Bellin:

I mean, I was taught you do not think about yourself.

Debbie Bellin:

That is very self centered.

Debbie Bellin:

So many people were taught this, but it's just not the truth.

Debbie Bellin:

We have to take care of ourselves, otherwise we don't have anything to give to anybody else.

Debbie Bellin:

And so for a lot of people, that feels really awkward, right?

Debbie Bellin:

Of, oh, I don't know, I don't know.

Debbie Bellin:

I need to go do this for this other person even though I'm exhausted and I'm feeling sick.

Debbie Bellin:

Well, you know what?

Debbie Bellin:

No, you don't ask for help.

Debbie Bellin:

It's okay to ask for help.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, you can ask your spirit guides, your angels, you can ask God, source, anyone for help, but you just, again, you have to be open to then receiving that because it doesn't always show up in the way you want it to or think that it will look like.

Darrell Snow:

Yeah, you have to get rid of the prepackaged notion of what the end result is going to look like and just do the work.

Darrell Snow:

And then the results will be for your greatest and highest good.

Darrell Snow:

Because sometimes what we want in our package is, isn't necessarily for our greatest good, nor is it the level of goodness that is in store for us if we do it without the results expectation and just do the work.

Darrell Snow:

And connecting with whomever you work with is equal as important as the modality you're choosing.

Darrell Snow:

Because some people will try it and say, oh well, that didn't work for me, when in fact it just wasn't the right connection to make it work, you know, but it will work if you are with the right connection because you are the one who is doing the healing.

Darrell Snow:

You know, my, when my wife was in therapy, and I think everyone should be in therapy, by the way, but when my wife was in therapy, she'd come back from her therapist and go, you know, Dr.

Darrell Snow:

D said blah, blah.

Debbie Bellin:

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Darrell Snow:

And I'm like, I'm pretty sure I said that to you before you even went, can I have the hundred dollars that you just gave him?

Darrell Snow:

But it's, you know, the right voice with the right time with the right message.

Darrell Snow:


Darrell Snow:

And one of the common things that I see in my clients is that they're all looking for purpose or how to connect for it.

Darrell Snow:

And then they're all fearful that there's already other people doing it.

Darrell Snow:

And I always tell them, go to any bread aisle in America.

Darrell Snow:

There's 35 different loaves of bread all wrapped in plastic and all sliced, but somebody's buying each variety.

Darrell Snow:

So you have to work with the one that works with you.

Darrell Snow:

Not just, oh, it didn't work.

Darrell Snow:

And the other thing you said, it's important.

Darrell Snow:

It's a repetitive process.

Darrell Snow:

Like, you know, I go out and hit a golf ball, but I don't call myself a golfer because I don't hit it often enough.

Darrell Snow:

You know, I go out and do the practice often enough to be good enough to be considered a golfer.

Darrell Snow:

I'm someone who goes out and dabbles at golf, right?

Darrell Snow:

So you have to do it repetitively in order for it to work.

Darrell Snow:

And I'll say to you what I've said to other healers and energy workers.

Darrell Snow:

I want to limit myself from saying healers.

Debbie Bellin:

No, it's okay.

Darrell Snow:

You know, I heard an amazing thing that a preacher said, and I don't often credit preachers for saying a lot of amazing things because religion is a man made thing and spirituality is your connection with source and God.

Darrell Snow:

But he said a lot of people are waiting on God, hence the prayer portion, right?

Darrell Snow:

But what if God is waiting on you and it goes back to what you said, you know, that little breadcrumb, right?

Darrell Snow:

When you can show that you can do, then more will be given.

Darrell Snow:

And so stop waiting on God, source, Spirit, and start doing and watch the change that cultivates and the transformation that your life has.

Darrell Snow:

Because now you're in motion and now things are going to continue to stay in motion and get bigger, right?

Debbie Bellin:

Yes, so true.

Debbie Bellin:

So, so true.

Darrell Snow:


Darrell Snow:

If anyone's listening out here and they're wanting to kind of find themselves, and I know the transformational journey begins within, but what would be your one piece of advice for anyone who's kind of on the fence about transformative healing or this type of energy work?

Darrell Snow:

What would your advice to those folks be?

Debbie Bellin:

I would say just start with where your curiosity is.

Debbie Bellin:

If there's something that you're curious about, start with that, start exploring that.

Debbie Bellin:

Because our curiosity is so important and usually it will lead us to where we need to be.

Debbie Bellin:

Now again, it's not a linear thing, right?

Debbie Bellin:

You might start over here and end up here or back here, over here or there.

Debbie Bellin:

You might go in a circle, but just start there.

Debbie Bellin:

And I would say to every person, you are worth it.

Debbie Bellin:

You are worth taking a chance on.

Debbie Bellin:

You are worth exploring.

Debbie Bellin:

You are important.

Debbie Bellin:

You matter.

Debbie Bellin:

That is why you are here on Earth.

Debbie Bellin:

If you, if you didn't matter, if your purpose didn't matter, you would not be here.

Debbie Bellin:

It's as simple as that.

Debbie Bellin:

It really and truly is.

Debbie Bellin:

And our purpose Is not just like one grand thing that we have.

Debbie Bellin:

It's not just, oh, my gosh, I know I have a purpose.

Debbie Bellin:

I know I have a purpose.

Debbie Bellin:

Our purpose, I believe.

Debbie Bellin:

And what I have found to be true for so many of my clients is that your purpose is you.

Debbie Bellin:

You are your purpose.

Debbie Bellin:

Be you.

Debbie Bellin:

There's not another person, not a single person who has your energy, who is you, who can be you.

Debbie Bellin:

Yes, somebody can.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, we have imposters.

Debbie Bellin:

We have all kinds of stuff.

Debbie Bellin:

They can even have the same name, the same birthday.

Debbie Bellin:

They could be born at the exact same time under the same sun sign and all of that stuff, but they are not you.

Debbie Bellin:

And every person here on this earth brings something unique, okay?

Debbie Bellin:

It's unique.

Debbie Bellin:

It's in your vibration, it's in your energy and the earth.

Debbie Bellin:

We all need you to complete that.

Debbie Bellin:

So we're all a part of this whole.

Debbie Bellin:

Okay, this is my belief that we're all a part of this whole.

Debbie Bellin:

You're a puzzle piece of that.

Debbie Bellin:

If you lose a piece to a puzzle when you're doing a puzzle, if you ever done a puzzle and you get down to it and you have one piece and you cannot find it, your.

Debbie Bellin:

Your puzzle's not complete.

Debbie Bellin:

Where's that puzzle piece?

Debbie Bellin:

I can't find it.

Debbie Bellin:

So explore.

Debbie Bellin:

You're worth it.

Debbie Bellin:

You are so important and you matter.

Debbie Bellin:

Please, please, please, please.

Darrell Snow:


Darrell Snow:

And that goes to being the.

Darrell Snow:

That's a great example of we are all interconnected because you are purposed with something in your heart to bring forth.

Darrell Snow:

Not to serve you, but to serve others.

Darrell Snow:

And that is not being self.

Darrell Snow:

It's being selfish if you don't bring that forth.

Debbie Bellin:

It is.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

Because think of all the people that you could help that are.

Debbie Bellin:

That need your exact help, that.

Debbie Bellin:

But you're not bringing it forth.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

And yes, you can try to be like somebody else.

Debbie Bellin:

You can model yourself after somebody else, but what you have other people need.

Debbie Bellin:

And so.

Debbie Bellin:

And if you're afraid, if you're like, oh, people are going to think I'm a freak, all of those.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

Just start to let it out a little bit because you will find your people.

Debbie Bellin:

You will find your tribe.

Debbie Bellin:

It really is.

Debbie Bellin:

All those sayings are true.

Debbie Bellin:

And you'll feel like, oh, gosh, okay, I.

Debbie Bellin:

I love this.

Debbie Bellin:

This is absolutely amazing.

Debbie Bellin:

And it will work.

Debbie Bellin:

I promise you it will.

Debbie Bellin:

But you have to be yourself first.

Debbie Bellin:

You have to let that out.

Darrell Snow:

And I am going to segue that into the final question that I ask all of my guests.

Darrell Snow:

What does a warrior spirit or having a warrior spirit mean to Debbie.

Debbie Bellin:

Oh, my gosh.

Debbie Bellin:

To me, a warrior spirit is never giving up.

Debbie Bellin:

I'm never giving up.

Debbie Bellin:

I'm never giving up.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

Not on anything that I believe.

Debbie Bellin:

If I believe it, I just, I'm never going to give it up.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, we are so much stronger than we realize we are.

Debbie Bellin:

And you know, I've been through dark night of the soul.

Debbie Bellin:

I have been through a lot and I know my strength.

Debbie Bellin:

I know how strong I am.

Debbie Bellin:

And I am a warrior and I love being a warrior.

Debbie Bellin:

I love the warrior energy.

Debbie Bellin:


Debbie Bellin:

I love that energy.

Debbie Bellin:

It serves me so well, especially with myself, you know, internalizing that and speaking to myself and knowing what I am capable of and knowing about, you know, my ancestors that came before me.

Debbie Bellin:

You know, when I heal, they heal and they want me to heal.

Debbie Bellin:

And when I heal, the generations before me heal.

Debbie Bellin:

And so, yeah, I love the warrior spirit.

Debbie Bellin:

I love it.

Darrell Snow:

Well, I'm glad that you're part of my warrior spirit tribe and it's such an honor to have you on.

Darrell Snow:

And you know, we definitely were going to have to do it again because we could make this multi episodic for the conversation and the depth that we can go.

Darrell Snow:

So I appreciate you joining me today and thank you so much for your time.

Debbie Bellin:

Thank you so much, Darrell.

Debbie Bellin:

Really, it's been a pleasure.

Debbie Bellin:

Thank you.

Darrell Snow:

And if you would like to get in touch with Debbie, you can connect with her on her Facebook page or on her website, debbie bellen.com and she has all of her connect contact information and program information out there.

Darrell Snow:

So definitely check it out and start your own energetic healing journey.

Darrell Snow:

Trust me, from someone who took way too long to start but is glad he did, it's well worth it.

Darrell Snow:

So please do yourself a favor and reach out and connect with Debbie.

Darrell Snow:

And once again, I just want to thank you for joining us on this edition of A Warrior Spirit.

Darrell Snow:

Be sure to like or subscribe so that you catch all the episodes and make it a blessed day.

Show artwork for A Warrior's Spirit

About the Podcast

A Warrior's Spirit
Where Inner Warriors Shine In Their Light
Warriors aren't born, they're forged in the fires of challenge.

Every setback, every struggle, is a hammer striking the anvil of our character. Warriors don’t just conquer the world around them; they face the shadows within. They wrestle with doubt, fear, & insecurity, emerging not just stronger, but more compassionate.

Imagine a warrior who fights not just for personal glory, but for a cause greater than themselves. They lead by example, showing us that strength is not just about power, but about lifting others up.

It’s about turning pain into purpose and struggles into stories of resilience. Each challenge we face is an opportunity to grow, to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. When we embrace our struggles, we become part of a community of warriors, united in our quest for strength and compassion.

It’s not the fight that defines us, but how we rise from it.
Let’s share our stories, inspire one another, and keep the spirit of the warrior alive.


About your host

Profile picture for Daryl Snow

Daryl Snow

As a keynote speaker, podcaster, and transformational growth consultant, I’m a passionate advocate for personal and professional growth. By sparking the desire to change from within, both individuals and organizations can reach their full potential.

Imagine unlocking a treasure chest overflowing with life's greatest joys! That's what awaits when we turn inward and explore our mindset. By simply becoming aware of our thoughts and beliefs, we unlock the key to lasting positive change. This journey within opens the door to experiencing all the happiness life has to offer.

Fueled by the belief that continuous learning is key to making lasting change (after all, if you stop learning, you stop growing!), I help others to embrace a new mindset, cultivate valuable life skills, and step into living a more authentic life.

While leveraging over 40 years of knowledge and practical insight has helped me to decipher what is, and what is not being said, it is the ability to simplify complex situations that has truly increased the level of understanding that my audiences and clients have experienced.